how does it works?

Just follow the steps below:

1st is to register at or any ptc site  and confirm by checking your e-mail

2nd is to log in to start earning

 All of this sites have a similar interface and you can sign up for all of them one by one. Here comes the excitement! After signing up for the site, you have to click on “Surf ads” or "View Advertisement" from the menu.
You’ll see a list of available ads. Click on each ad (like the example below, click the red button if any)and a new window will open with a bar on the top. After the site loads, the 30 seconds counter will start and you have to browse the page for that long.
After 30 seconds you’ll see “Done” with a green check mark, meaning that you’ve completed the ad. If you try to beat the time by opening all of those ads in multiple tabs, you’ll see a red cross mark!

For each ad view, you’ll get $0.01-0.005 -that’s enough for spending 30 seconds on a webpage! They will provide you up to 15 ads each day and that means $0.075 for 7:30 minutes of work. That’s only one site, sign up for all of the sites and you can earn $0.30 for spending 30 minutes everyday. Now 30 cents a day is a low amount to attract me but I got amazed because of their referral bonus.